Saturday 8 February 2014

The Formidable Power of Positive Thoughts

“Some men see things and helplessly say: ‘Why?’.
But I dream things that never were and say:
‘Why not?’.” - George Bernard Shaw

All thoughts manifest as an energetic subject at a vibratory level. A thought, once emitted, is propagated into space and is next accepted or refuted by other people having similar thoughts. The thought always establishes in the emitter a state of receptiveness for specific energies of the same kind. This is why a man’s life is the result of his thoughts. Regardless of circumstances, a human being always has a force which he is not always conscious of. This is the formidable power of positive thoughts, which will put you instantly in resonance with the beneficial, wonderful forces of the Universe.

What was the first thought that appeared in your mind this morning? Was it a beautiful thought, for example, you thought of someone dear to you or simply rejoiced at seeing the sun in the sky? Was it a negative thought, such as: “I am so tired that I’m in no mood for ever getting up”? Remember now your next thoughts, the general state you had when actually beginning your activity. You can notice that the entire “programming” you imagined for today either supported you throughout the entire day or on the contrary brought you only trouble. A great philosopher said: “In you is the cause of everything which occurs in your life.”

Every man is the creator of his own destiny; he is the one building his own existence composed of light and shadow, ups and downs. We are the ones who choose our own goals and it depends on us to aim to the abysses or to the heights. The echo of our aspiration reverberates at the level of the entire Universe, because “An elevated soul will also elevate the world.” Let us start then each day with clear positive thinking. A positive thought means we amplify powerfully belief in ourselves and in God to be in all our actions in harmony with the divine laws of the Universe.

If we observe closely ourselves and the people around us and observe their attitude towards events, we will notice the existence of three fundamental attitudes in life, closely connected to the predominant orientation of the thoughts: the fatalist-pessimistic attitude, the pseudo-idealistic attitude and the active-optimistic attitude.

The Fatalist-Pessimistic Attitude

“Foolish Man, you create wonders without knowing and you do not know at all the formidable power of your own thoughts. You should know that all you imagine is accomplishable in direct proportion to your faith … Why is it that you do not get to know yourself and thus discover a perfect god?” (Tudor Arghezi)

This is the attitude that manifests through fear of the future, the feeling of futility, desperation, restlessness and anxiety. It is most often encountered amongst disoriented, unhappy and unbalanced people. We have all probably known people who systematically miss all favourable opportunities; they always find themselves facing some difficulties, they consider themselves the victims of negative circumstances. They are the ones who, at the first obstacle they meet, conclude: “I knew I was not going to make it! I cannot do anything or change anything!” When they have to resolve an important problem, the first thought which appears in their minds is that the job is not suitable for them. They immediately become unhappy and disinterested strongly believing that in different circumstances, by resorting to other means they could have resolved it much better and quicker. Because of this reason, the solution to their problem escapes them and they start convincing themselves that they will not resolve it. All past failures are remembered and possible success disappears in front of a mountain of difficulties. All theses things are starting from a single negative thought. Nevertheless it cannot be said that they do not wish to do something. Many times we have heard people asserting: “I will change my life”, “I’ll start over from scratch”, “My luck will change”. Yet, despite all this, they resume these manners of behaviour, these negative attitudes and these same ways of looking at things, even if the outer situation is different. Conflictual tendencies, the inability to surpass various obstacles, to see the situations objectively, to value one’s own qualities, to permanently experience and sense that indescribable feeling of inner calm and harmony are recommenced again and again.

The Pseudo-Idealistic Attitude

“Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe something inside them was superior to circumstances.” (Bruce Barton)

“The mind in its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of Hell, and a hell of Heaven.”(John Milton)

The second fundamental attitude is characterised by those running from responsibilities and of the tendency to flee from reality into an illusionary world, in which the daily tasks and necessities are ignored in the name of the spirit’s superiority. We meet in this category the fake philosopher, the forever unsatisfied, the endless dreamers. They are the ones immediately giving way to bad moods; the ones always dreaming to what they could have, without ever doing anything to make the dreams become reality; the ones irritated by the most unimportant things and they find defects in everyone around them, yet never to themselves. The pseudo-idealistic attitude is not actually anything other than a false way of self-protection, of hiding from reality and of one’s own destiny. Pseudo-idealists accept a passive manner of leaving things to evolve randomly, to escape in dreams about ideal worlds, which will never exist, because nothing is done for them to exist. Non-action represents, in this case, a method of action, but a negative one which brings negative results.

If the pseudo-idealistic attitude is transformed into an authentic-idealistic attitude, which presumes that fear of responsibility and fleeing from reality is transformed into self-confidence and faith in life, the third attitude appears, the active-optimist. Contemplating can become, in this case, a way of correct thinking, of truly living, of becoming the ruler of destiny.

The Active-Optimistic Attitude

“The history of the world is that of a few extraordinary people who had complete belief in themselves. This belief makes manifest the Divine, which is always behind us. A human being that has a great belief maybe anything; everything is a possibility. Such a human being will only fail when he does not give sufficient effort to manifest the subtle infinite power of the Universe. You who understand will realise how important it is we believe, before everything, in the power of ourselves.” (Swami Sivananda)

The third fundamental attitude, the active optimistic, is characterised by those who evaluate how all that exists around them as being positive. The profoundly positive attitude of their mind is the firm, unshakeable belief that things go well and that any problem or difficulty can be surpassed. Life is full of circumstances that we cannot influence directly; what we can do is modify our way of looking at them. Active-optimists build a positive state of spirit, being thus capable to face all events and thus influence, for the better, those around them. They envelop all their personal relationships in affectionate, charming warmth. These people know that difficulties represent the necessities of life, which help us deeply understand life and surpass our own limits. Active-optimists know they are not toys in the hands of destiny but the creators of their own happiness. They make from their permanent state of enthusiasm a true art as they awaken such capacities to pass with ease over all obstacles. They nurture almost always the power of positive thoughts and act always for the good of things, being fully and promptly sustained by the beneficial forces attracted by resonance from the Macrocosm. These people are open towards all that enriches the spirit; they are ready to learn everything from anything and strongly believe that the most revolutionary act they could achieve in this world is to be happy. For the very fact that they assert the good into everything, the events and beings reflect them back at their best.

In other words: “Say YES to Life and Life will also answer YES to you!”

Taken from:

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